Call 770-451-0602 or 800-241-4925 to place your order with Pritchett & Hull. Our Customer Service Representatives are at your service Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. We accept American Express, MasterCard and Visa credit cards, as well as checks, money orders, cashier's checks and bank drafts.
The following orders must be prepaid:
To order by fax, fill your shopping cart as if you were ordering on-line. When you've chosen everything you want, simply print your order form and fax it to us at 770-454-7130 or 800-752-0510 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Don't worry about calculating the shipping & handling-- the shopping cart does it automatically. We accept American Express, MasterCard and Visa credit cards, as well as checks, money orders, cashier's checks and bank drafts.The following orders must be prepaid:
If you require confirmation of your order, please add your request to your fax. A Customer Service Representative will respond during regular business hours
To order by mail, fill your shopping cart as if you were ordering on-line. When you've chosen everything you want, simply print your order form and mail it to the address below. Don't worry about calculating the shipping & handling the shopping cart does it automatically.
Pritchett & Hull Associates, Inc.
3440 Oakcliff RD NE STE 126
We accept American Express, MasterCard and Visa credit cards, as well as money orders, cashier's checks and bank drafts. We welcome your check. Please note: Checks returned unpaid by your financial institution are subject to a Service Charge of $25 or the maximum allowed by law. Checks returned for insufficient or uncollected funds, together with Service Charges, may be debited electronically from your account or collected using a bank draft drawn from your account. Sorry, but we are unable to accept cash. The following orders must be prepaid: